Blogmas 25: Merry Christmas!

25 December 2015


This is a kind of day in the life post.

I couldn't sleep at all last night. I was up tossing, turning and watching youtube videos until 5.30am, I managed to eventually drift off a little bit and was awoken by my mum at 9am.

These were my presents from my mum and brother. There is another present at the bottom right of the screen which I honestly didn't realise was for me, I thought it was a roll of wrapping paper accidentally misplaced

My mum opened hers from me: it was a small gift (it's her 50th next month and I'd rather get her a big present for her birthday) which was a Cath Kidston wooden spoon/plastic spatula/dish towel set that I saw in one of Zoella's videos. She makes Tablet a lot and I thought it would be a perfect small present for her.

What I got in this bundle were as follows:

I also opened a present from my friend Robin, because it was something I really wanted but didn't have money for and so he bought it for me.

Hahaha, I know. I'm incredibly sad, but in my defence, all the D+P merch I have has brought a lot of humour into my life. (October's month in particular had me laughing for a while.)

I had a slice roll (roll and square sausage) and some hot chocolate, then got changed and at 11.45 am we were on route to see my granda.

He lives about an hours drive away from where I live. I made a post with him a while ago: where he introduced me to Encaustic Art. > link <

It was only a flying visit, we gave him his gift, he gave me Christmas money (I can be v hard to buy presents for when you don't know what kind of shows or whatever I'm interested in, and sometimes giving money is the easiest option.) then we dropped him off at my Uncle Adrian's, who lives like 2 mins away from my granda's, where we sat down for a few minutes before setting off once more to see my granny!

Before we get there though, I took a quick snap inside my granda's house.

I laughed a lot at the fact that the topper on the car arial in front of where my mum had parked had a Santa hat on!

On the road, we were now travelling to the other side of Scotland, at 2pm (roughly)

I live in central Scotland, my granda/uncle live outside Glasgow and my granny lives across the river Forth outside Edinburgh. Mum was driving from one to the other and I was exhausted from lack of sleep!

I tried to take some pictures of the Ochil hills as we passed by them but the views were obscured by the Kincardine Bridge.

We arrived at my gran's after 3pm, and it was only a flying visit. Mum was getting anxious to get home and have some Christmas dinner (and you know, get it started) and I was slowly falling sleep, so we were literally just in, grabbing presents and going out the door again. Which was a shame but we can spend time with her properly a bit later on.

She got me really nice presents, mostly to do with necessities for when I travel (ie travel toothbrush, toothbrush holder, soap etc) which I didn't photograph.

Coming home I switched the CD over to Tay Tay's '1989' and asked my mum those weird questions you ask when you're tired. "Why did you and dad move here?", "is that Grangemouth?", "Where does the motorway start and end?".

You know, the normal questions.

We passed the Kelpies on the motorway on the way home. A staple now of my home town.

I can't remember what time I arrived home at, but I sent a few "Merry Christmas!" texts, uploaded my Christmas Baking video (you can watch at the bottom of this post!) and ate my Christmas dinner.

It's been a fun filled day!

How has your Christmas been? Or, if you don't celebrate Christmas, how has your day been?

I'm about to crash now in a food coma so I will see you again next week!
I managed to complete blogmas! Yay!
Until next time, be excellent to each other.

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