There's not a lot that can be said about Lyon, and technically, because Joanne and I didn't take a train... This isn't an interrail post... But, I did take a train to visit her so IT'S GOING INTO THE SERIES! If you haven't read my other interrail posts yet, then please click here for Toulouse, Menton/Monaco and Grenoble.
Joanne, her mum and I left the house at around 8am and we arrived at the coach station 20 minutes later, waiting for our coach which was due to depart at 9am. Once on the coach, Joanne let me have the window seat and honestly I am so jealous of her ability to fall asleep on public transport because that's something that I don't posess!
We arrived in Lyon at around 1010 and then we bought a 24hr transport ticket for me, so that while she was at uni, I could explore the city before my train to Paris. It sounds like an ideal plan, and it was. But this is me we're talking about, so of course that didn't happen.

We spent a little while talking about possible things I could do, and when she told me about a park that had a zoo with giraffes (my favourite animal) I knew that I wanted to go and see them. So, after we ate lunch and remonised on our time living together in Paisley, I left in search of a metro station (I'm not yet comfortable taking buses in unfamiliar places by myself.) I was prepared. I brought out my phone, I had google maps and I had an app for the public transport in Lyon ... And I got lost.
In fact, I got so lost that I gave up on the idea of finding a metro station and I decided it might be better for me to just walk to the train station. So, I did. It took a really long time as well, I do not recommend doing that, especailly not with a really big suitcase that doesn't want to go the way that you want it to.

On my walk, I made the effort to take a few photographs for instagram (because ya gotta get dat gram, yo) and I arrived at the train station roughly 2 hours before my train was due to depart. Then, in true Gail style, I found somewhere that had pizza (that I didn't enjoy that much, which made me really sad) and then stood at the station, staring at the departure screen until it was my time to go.
What I didn't mention, and what made my walk that much more annoying, is that everywhere I went, at the end of seemingly every road that google maps and the street signs said I should go there was construction work going on, which meant that I had to change my path because I couldn't walk on the pavement. And it was so, so frustrating.

I did like Lyon though, at least, what I saw of it... And I do want to return another time for a proper exploration of the city (and to see some giraffes pls), so hopefully then, there won't be much pavement-blocking construction going on.
The next post will be a kind of photo-book blog post of Versailles, visiting which had been one of my dreams for as long as I've wanted to learn to surf (so like, 13 years, give or take!) and after that will be my post on Paris, so stay tuned!
Until next time, be excellent to each other!
(and don't follow my lead because you'll only get lost. Which, spoiler alert, also happens in both Versailles and Paris!)
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